- move pictures into temp folder [put in ascending date order] - CleanJpegs (on ImageUtils tab) - LowerCaseExt (on ImageUtils tab) - losslessly crop all pictures - CleanJpegs again - if multi-shutter on, then pick and delete others - write headings on a piece of paper to make a worksheet. Columns: Camera Nums, My Num, Group Page, After, Time, Address - using Irfanview thumbnails, on the form fill out: picture number range and Group page name/section - add my pic numbers - from Explorer, add time to sheet. bracket times from same house - add addresses at right - clean up day's addresses. note in "Looked at Listing Pictures" the ones I visited and if I got pics. - copy info into _addresstable.txt - on paper notes look at camera numbers and my numbers, rename one to Pxxx-f.jpg - again using paper notes, rename the multiple Mxxx-1.jpgs - put folder in name order - copy from _addresstable.txt to _working notes.txt one entry at a time - derive measurements and add to entries. add inner field info - move M jpgs into "M0xx files" folder - go through pics and fill in the "After" column (Group page should already be there, tweak name) - create 400 wide no suffix images at 92% [max 300 high] -> Height special cases: L-pinwheel=200 square fold=240 two-twisted-90-ribbons intersect=240 - Ctrl-Z - create 200 pixel wide -200 files at 92% quality [max 150 high] - move -200 files to images folder - do search on 200 to find and move - move P jpgs into images folder - add to AllHouses tab in: Brkln-Hse-Conveyences.xls - research year built. see home page on how. Merging in new year info: - copy years to AllHouses sheet. export CSV file - update years in address-list.txt. use spreadsheet as source - then go to table-of-borders to see where they all are To update map at Google: Either go to map from floorborders home page, or link at top of AllHouses tab. Click Add Layer. Click Import. Drag HouseData.csv to window. Click Continue. Then select Year for title. Then on old layer, Click menu icon and delete layer.