Two Twisted Ribbons: Uneven Spacing
Contents to Sections Below:
Simple Crossover

Midwood Park circa 1930
In the ribbon the maple is 1/8", the mahogany is 3/16", the cherry is 7/8", with 1" oak in the middle. Surrounded with 1" oak, 5/8" mahogany, and 1-1/2" oak. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with four 2" slats in an 8" square.

Crown Heights North I 1894
The ribbon crossing is a simplification of the twist above, but where this one stands out is the use of five stripes for the ribbons. The tradeoff being there are no feature strips. The outer mahogany and maple stripes are 1/4". The inside walnut is 3/4". The inner section is 1-7/8" wide. Giving a pattern width of 5-3/8". This will require a new spreadsheet.

Crown Heights North II c1907
This was the most expensive border in the house. The house had six borders that I photographed. Skinny bands are 1/4" wide. Walnut in the ribbon middle is 3/4" wide. In between ribbon is 1-1/2". Making the pattern border 5" wide. Surrounding is 1-1/2" oak. Inner field is straight fingerblock with three 1-1/4" and six 1-3/8" slats making a 12" square. The floor had a wax finish.

Crown Heights South 1913
We have a different corner on this one. Pattern is 5" wide. Maple and walnut strips are 1/4" wide. Mahogany strips appear to be 11/16" wide. Leaving 1-5/8" for the inner oak background. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with four 2" × 8" slats.

Beverly Square West circa 1899

Beverly Square West circa 1899

Prospect-Lefferts Gardens Historic District 1907

Bedford-Stuyvesant Year?
The corners were covered with furniture and stuff. Pattern border is 5-3/8" wide. Cherry strips are 1-3/8" wide. Inner oak strips are 1-5/16" wide. Repeat is 12". Surrounded with 1-5/16" oak twice, 3/8" mahogany, and 1-5/16" oak. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 2" slats in an 8" square.
Crosses Over: No Gap

Prospect Lefferts Gardens 1912
Mahogany bands are 1" wide. In between the bands is 3". Surrounding bands are 1-3/8". Repeat is 10-3/8". Inner field is 2" wide strips in 8" fingerblock laid straight.

Fiske Terrace 1905
Pattern border is 5" wide. Dark bands are 1" wide. Inner oak is 3" wide. Repeat is 10-1/2". Surrounding is 1-1/2" oak, 7/8" mahogany, and 2" oak. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 1-3/8" wide slats in 12 - 12-3/8" square.
Crosses Over: Gaps

Lefferts Manor 1909
This is the above, but with every other repeat stretched. This can go around the corner, like the above, but the lovely corner block makes it easier to lay. The pattern introduces 67.5° angles, making the dimensions much more complicated. Inner maple band is 1/4". Outer walnut bands are 1/2". Inner square is 1-3/8". Oak strips alongside pattern are 1". This is the Extended Variant on
2-Ribbons-Gaps-Overlap spreadsheet.

West Midwood 1908
Pattern border is 5-1/2". Repeat is 21".

Crown Heights circa 1903

Stuyvesant Heights Historic District 1892
I would think that this is a refloor. Ribbon is 1/2" mahogany and 1/4" maple. Pattern border is 5-1/4". Surrounding oak is 1". Inner field is diagonal 12" fingerblock with 2" wide fingers.

Prospect Park South 1915
Inner maple band is 1/4". Outer walnut bands are 1/2". Inner square is 1-3/8". Oak strips alongside pattern are 1". This is the Extended Variant on
2-Ribbons-Gaps-Overlap spreadsheet.

Ditmas Park 1903

Park Slope Historic District 1931
Rhombus Crossover

North Park Slope Year?
Maple strips are 1/4" and mahogany center is 1". Inner width is 5", giving a pattern width of 8". Surrounding is 2", 1" mahogany, 2". Repeat is 24". Inner field is 1-1/2" slats in 9" fingerblock.

Park Slope Historic District 1910
Pattern border is 7-7/8" wide. Bands are 1" mahogany and 1/4" maple. Surrounding is 2" oak and 1/2" mahogany. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 1-3/8" slats in am 11" square.

Bedford-Stuyvesant 1898
It looks newer than 1898. Could be a refloor. Lots of 30/120 angles. Maple strips are 1/4" and mahogany center is 1". Overall pattern width is 7-5/8". I didn't think to get the distance between rhombuses. Field is elongated fingerblock using four 2" wide slats. Probably 16" long.

Bedford-Stuyvesant 1901
Mahogany bands are 1" wide with 1/4" wide surrounding maple bands. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 2" wide slats in an 8" square.
Fancy Crossover

South Midwood Year?
Quite the border! The pattern is 9" wide. The band has five parts in three woods: the maple and mahogany are 3/16" and the oak between is 3/4". Center mahogany pieces are 1-1/2" × 13-3/8". Inside oak pieces are 1-1/2" × 11-1/2". Border repeat is ~16-9/16". Inner field is 2" slats laid diagonally.