Single Folded Ribbon: Flattened

Contents to Sections Below:

200 Floor border: P200 Ditmas Park West Year?
Pattern border is 3-7/8" wide. Bands are 2-3/4" wide. Surrounding is 1" mahogany and 1/2" oak. Inner field is straight fingerblock with 1-1/4" slats in a 12" square.
283 Floor border: P283 Lefferts Manor 1925
91 Floor border: P091 Crown Heights South 1913
This is the same pattern as the previous. And the same dimensions in its spreadsheet. Inner field is fingerblock parquet with 2" wide slats in a 12" square.
235 Floor border: P235 Midwood Park circa 1930
Pattern border is 4". Surrounded with 1" walnut, 1/2" maple, 1" walnut, and 2" oak. Inner field is 2" diagonal slats.
83 Floor border: P083 South Midwood 1897
Unfortunate seam. In Flattened Helix spreadsheet enter 2.75" for the width of strips, and 7/8" and 3/8" for the height of the trapezoids. But this is not really the same as the above. This has single blocks [which have split] for when the ribbon is showing its back. Inner field is fingerblock laid straight with 1" slats in a 12" square. Outer field is 2" wide random length slats.
130 Floor border: P130 Oshkosh Designs 2015
Custom made for Park Slope kitchen. Oak, maple and American cherry. There should have been an oak slat between the border and inner field, but it was forgotten at installation. The second mistake made was stainless steel nails were inadvertently purchased and used. Now the nails will stay shiny, and they shouldn't. The third mistake is the corner block triangles should be a mix of oak and maple. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 1-3/4" wide slats in 8-3/4" squares.
23 Floor border: P023 Lefferts Manor 1909
See measured drawing. I created a spreadsheet to calculate piece dimensions. Woods are mahogany (or is it cherry?), maple, and quarter-cut American white oak. The field wood here is diagonal fingerblocks of nine strips of 1-3/8" × 12-3/8". Note when wood strips are only 1-3/8" wide, they only get a single nail across.
120 Floor border: P120 Crown Heights South 1913
Pattern border is 2-7/8" wide. Rectangles in pattern are 1-3/8" × 2-5/8". Side border strips are 1-5/8". Can use Flattened Helix spreadsheet. Inner field is 1-3/8" slats in 8-1/4" fingerblock.
260 Floor border: P260 Lefferts Manor 1897
A smaller version.

Accordion Fold

124 Floor border: P124 West Midwood 1908
Pattern border is 3" wide with 1-1/2" strip alongside. The ribbon pieces are all the same size here.

Folded From Side-to-Side

166 Floor border: P166 South Midwood Year?
Very unusual to have a striped ribbon. Nice for a change, though it kind of fades away Maybe better if the ribbon colors were reversed. Mahogany strip is 1/4". Maple sides are 9/16". Giving a total ribbon width of 1-3/8". Pattern border width is 5-1/4". Surrounded by 1-3/8" oak, 1/2" mahogany, 2" oak. Inner field is 2" slats in diagonal 8" fingerblock.
7 Floor border: P007 Bushwick 1897
Three woods: mahogany, maple and oak. See measured drawings. I have a spreadsheet that calculates the sizes of all pieces based on a given strip width. Inner field is fingerblock parquet in 12" square.
44 Floor border: P044 North Park Slope 1880
This ribbon is the same as Side-to-Side spreadsheet. Enter 1.5 for the width and 5.25 for the height. The direction of the fold is just reversed. Inner field is fingerblock parquet with 2" wide fingers.
43 Floor border: P043 North Park Slope 1880
A smaller version. This floor (and the other from this house) may have been added a couple decades later. This ribbon can be calculated from Side-to-Side spreadsheet by entering 0.875 for the width, 2.625 for the height, and =13/16 for the corner strip width. This gives a ribbon width of 4-3/8" and a corner/border size of 6". Inner field is fingerblock parquet with four 2" fingers in 8" square.
229 Floor border: P229 Bedford-Stuyvesant Year?
The overall border, including side bands, is 6" wide. Inner rectangle is 7/8" × 2-5/8", or a 1:3 ratio. All banding in the border is 7/8" wide. Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 2" slats in a 8" square.
105 Floor border: P105 Stuyvesant Heights Historic District 1899
The border's inner rectangles are 1" × 2". Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 1-1/2" wide slats in a 6" square.
280 Floor border: P280 Ditmas Park Historic District 1901
16 Floor border: P016 Crown Heights North 1910
Compared to the above, this one has narrowed the width of the ribbon, and exaggerated the feature strips, which are unique here. This ribbon can be calculated from Side-to-Side spreadsheet by entering 1.5 for the width and 3.5 for the height. The mahogany bands are 7/8" and the oak between them is 1-3/4". The field wood here has 1-3/8" strips that are perpendicular to the borders and mitered towards the center.
72 Floor border: P072 Midwood Park 1905
Strip width is 1-3/4". Ratio is 3. Note uncommon banding around pattern here.
86 Floor border: P086 South Midwood 1901
The ribbon is 1-1/2" wide. Inner rectangle is 3-3/8" high. Feature strips are 1", 1/2" (mahogany), 1-5/16".
111 Floor border: P111 Park Slope 1909
Pattern inner block is 1-1/2" × 3". Border is 1", 1/2' and 1-1/2" strips. Inner field is 1-1/2" slats in 12" fingerblock.
257 Floor border: P257 Weeksville circa 1901
202 Floor border: P202 Park Slope Historic District 1890
Pattern border is 6". Ribbon is 1-1/2" wide. Ratio is 2. Surrounding is 1", 1/2" mahogany, and 1-1/2" Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 2" slats in 12" square.
79 Floor border: P079 Lefferts Manor 1899
They had this folded pattern in all the major rooms. Bands are 1-1/2" wide and ratio is 2. This is the same as the next one. And near it in year.
94 Floor border: P094 Crown Heights South 1913
Inner rectangle is 1-1/2" × 3". Inner field is diagonal fingerblock with 2" slats in 12" squares.
88 Floor border: P088 Prospect Heights Historic District 1901
Inner rectangle is 1-1/2" × 3", giving a pattern width of 6". Side strips are usual 1" oak, 1/2" mahogany, 1-1/2" oak, but then here there is then a 1-1/2" strip of mahogany surrounding the border and corner. Inner field is fingerblock parquet using 1-1/2" wide slats in a 12" square.
113 Floor border: P113 Beverly Square West 1902
Pattern inner block is 1-1/2" × 3". Border is 1", 1/2' and 1-1/2" strips. Inner field is 1-3/4" slats in fingerblock.
132 Floor border: P132 Central Park Slope 1901?
Dimensions are the same as #88, but this lacks the extra bold stripes. Inner field is 1-1/2" strips in 7-1/2" fingerblock.
236 Floor border: P236 Midwood Park circa 1930
A narrow border, with the minimum 1:1 ratio. Inner squares and ribbon are 2-1/2" wide, giving a pattern width of 7-1/2". Surrounded with 1-1/2" oak, 3/4" mahogany, and 2" oak. Inner field is 2" diagonal slats.
253 Floor border: P253 Park Slope circa 1899
302 Floor border: P302 Park Slope 1899
One of the rare ones with an extra stripe in the middle of the ribbon.