Two Folded Flattened Ribbons
Contents to Sections Below:

Prospect Park South Historic District 1906
Bands are 2" wide, giving a pattern border 6" wide. Surrounded by 1/2" mahogany and 1" oak. Then 1" mahogany and 2" oak. Inner field is 2" diagonal slats.

West Midwood 1908-11
Inner squares and strip widths are 2-1/16" wide. Pattern border width is. Surrounding is 1/2" mahogany and 1" oak. Inner field is 2" strips diagonally.

Central Park Slope 1901?
Inner squares and strip widths are 2-1/16" wide. Pattern border width is. Surrounding is 1/2" mahogany and 1" oak. Inner field is 1-1/2" strips in fingerblock.
Right Angles

Crown Heights North Historic District 1890
The ribbon is 1-3/8" wide, giving a pattern width of 6-7/8". The ribbon's mahogany is 9/16" and the maple is 1/4". The oak rectangular block is 4-1/4" long, giving a repeat of 7". Surrounding stripes are 1-1/2" oak, 1-1/2" mahogany and 1-3/4" oak. Inner field is 2" slats in a fingerblock.

Park Slope Historic District 1904
Maple pinstripes are 1/4" wide, mahogany bands are 9/16" wide. Pattern border is 6-7/8" wide. Surrounded by 1-1/2" oak, 7/8" maple, and 2" maple. Inner field is 1-1/2" slats in 9" diagonal fingerblock.

Central Park Slope 1901?
They botched the slat width in the border. Dimensions are the same as #125.